Rooms by the Sea are those honored by the famous (sur)realist painter Edward Hooper, a metaphor for solitude and introspection, from a cliff overlooking the water. Italian band Rooms by the Sea has chosen its name and logo referring precisely to his work. The band’s debut album Rivers and Beds is to be released on June 24th, 2022 on CD and on all digital platforms via RBTS Records, led by the singles New Lights, Another Life and the brand new Great Void, available from today June 10th. According to the Florentine band, “The title of the record, Rivers and Beds, represents the contrast between the outside and the inside, or between the contact with the others and the personal sphere. Great Void speaks of the difficulty of achieving emotional self-sufficiency, but for us it also means the desire to continue expressing ourselves and the need to be heard“.
Rooms by the Sea were born in 2016, from the meeting between Teresa Rossi (vocals, guitars) and Lapo Querci (keyboards), reached shortly after by Elena Collina (drums, percussion, vocals) and Mattia Papi (bass, vocals), with the aim of shaping their own stylistic dimension starting from folk, indie rock and pop references, with intimate and melancholy lyrics. The four young musicians look far away, to the sound of Of Monsters and Men, Florence and the Machine and Manchester Orchestra, to the imagery of Ben Howard, to the synths of the 80s and the Brit rock of the 90s, without forgetting the inspiration on atmospheres and themes provided by the poems of Fernando Pessoa, among others, and by the pictures of Cy Twombly, returning to the worlds on canvas. After having participated at various important Italian musical contests with excellent results and published various singles, Rooms by the Sea has embarked on a new path, taking all the time necessary to amalgamate many different influences in a common synthesis, between spontaneous immediacy and more elaborate processes.
So, the eight songs in the tracklist of Rivers and Beds hit the listeners thanks to their communicative strength but at the same time reveal a remarkable care in the choice of timbres and solutions. The songs by Rooms by the Sea could work as much in the concentration of one’s bedroom as in the blasting explosion of the arenas, a sort of ideal line of conjunction between Daughter, Keane and Sharon Van Etten. Their point of view overlooks oblique yet welcoming perspectives, with catchy and powerful choruses, warm intertwining of strings, rhythmic crescendo and fresh digital lines. Words fly in a universal and epic way over dark and lost thoughts, flames and salt, doubts and colors to fill oneself, roses in the garden of the mind, cities, foreign lands and ghosts. “We try to focus our attention on the core, on the heart of each song. That would be to say on the instinctive and emotional charge behind each of them“.