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The new record “Quiet Area suite” by composer Mattia Loris Siboni is an exploration of silence, to be released on March 5, 2021 by Slowth Records; listen to the first track “Now Hush and Look Around”

How many times do we look for it? How many times does it scare us and we try to avoid it? But also how many times does it surprise us? It enters into our lives every day, conveyed by the numerous contexts to which it belongs: from the religious to the poetic, from the naturalistic to the socio-anthropological or scientific ones. It can astonish us during a walk in the mountains, miles away from the urban buzz, or it can oppress us within four walls. Silence in itself does not exist or perhaps it is not possible for us to hear it.

Quiet Area suite, the second album by composer, musician, improviser and sound designer Mattia Loris Siboni to be released on CD and on digital platforms on March 5, 2021 by Slowth Records, derives from a simple question: “How many types of silence exist?”. Yes, because you can find so many kinds of silence, in music as in the ordinary life. This project is a collection of four acousmatic pieces, born from the desire to explore silence as an object of compositional investigation through its different types of form and use. The suite was composed with the intention of accompanying the listener to the experience of silence. How does silence permeate between the poetic and poietic level of the work? And how does the singular reflection of personal experience affect listening?

The four tracks – the first extract Now Hush and Look AroundMind The GapBalumina and Qui nella maestà del silenzio – deal with different themes and materials: evocation, the call to silence, is traceable in the appearance and disappearance, in waiting, in the memory of a familiar voice, in the residual sounds as in the soundscape. These tracks are not intended as “studies” but as a result of the application of a constantly evolving research; silence is not present in a didactic way but is observed according to all its audible and evocative meanings. The goal is to stimulate in the listener an even minimal personal search for awareness of silence in every possible aspect.

Premiered with an interview on Son Of MarketingNow Hush and Look Around is the suite’s introductory movement and is characterized by the presence of pre-existing material (short film quotes from Federico Fellini’s , DreamWorks’ Shrek, Pixar’s Toy Story and Ratatouille), which allow the investigation of the silence evoked and more precisely of the silence suggested.

Mattia Loris Siboni was born in Cesena in 1996 and is active in Forlì/Bologna. His main interests are the acousmatic composition and the interpretation of live electronic music on multi-channel and acousmonium systems. Mattia Loris Siboni is also a member of Elettronica Collettiva Bologna~ and Minus – Collettivo d’improvvisazione, as well as being co-founder of Slowth Records, the record label dedicated to the promotion and support of experimental music that will publish Quiet Area suite. Passionate about the world of sound since he was a child, in 2009 Mattia Loris Siboni began his musical studies devoting himself to classical guitar. Intent on embarking on his own musical path, in 2016 he enrolled in the Electronic Music course at the Conservatory G.B. Martini in Bologna, graduating with a thesis about silence in electroacoustic music. He is currently attending Sound Design in the same Conservatory. His first collection of solo acousmatic songs, Laeyee, was released in 2018 by Miraloop Records – Diamonds. Siboni has played for various important music Italian festivals.

Choosing silence does not mean depriving yourself of something but having the possibility to welcome everything! I chose silence because, to listen to it and enjoy it, you have to stop yourself: the first necessary silence is the interior one. As a composer, but above all as a listener, I am intrigued by how all this can be reflected in the musical field, looking for a silence that is not only absence”.

So, fascinated by silence as a musical and compositional parameter, Siboni develops his personal research through the study of the soundscape and human interaction, with maximum respect for the sound object and the space it occupies. Among the composers who inspired him, we can find François Bayle, Bernard Parmegiani and Denis Smalley. Siboni pays attention to the morphological construction of sound, pursues the evocative and extra-musical aspect given by extrinsic bonds, works with the concepts of expectation and surprise and investigates musical perception. And now it’s time for music, or better to say for silence, listening Quiet Area suite.


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