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The Alien Cormorant & Cecilia Miradoli: double streaming premiere of the charity EP “From My House To Your House” out tomorrow, 5 June 2020


Tin Woodman: “Gamma Ray Chewingum” feat. DELLERA è il nuovo singolo in uscita il 24 dicembre, dall’album “Songs For Eternal Lovers” in arrivo il 21 gennaio

Songs For Eternal Lovers is the new album by Tin Woodman to be released on January 21th, 2022 via Retro Vox Records, on vinyl and… Leggi Tutto

“If” is the new single by Italian band Rigolò, from the new album “Aliante” to be released on January 20th, 2023 via Antropotopia

The sense of time, renunciation and individualism are the themes that inspired the songwriting of Aliante, the new album by Italian band Rigolò, to be released on… Leggi Tutto

Kety Fusco: european Space Harp Tour (and new video)

Check out the new dates of Kety Fusco‘s Space Harp Tour, that will hit Bruxelles, Copenaghen, Berlin, Turin and many other cities. Below, you can watch also the… Leggi Tutto